Wellbeing & Pastoral Care

Social and Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Learning is inextricably linked with our physical, emotional, social and mental health. If students feel sick, frustrated, angry, sad or anxious, their learning will be negatively impacted.

Cambrai Primary School has taken advantage of new Federal funding for the National Student Wellbeing Program (NSWP) to address emotional and social wellbeing in schools through a wellbeing program. A Student Wellbeing Support Officer (SWSO) will work with the students, teachers and community throughout 2024 to promote and support positive wellbeing strategies.

Mel Jackman is our SWSO, and is currently studying her Masters of Social Work through Flinders University. Mel Jackman each Wednesday.

Wellbeing initiatives at Cambrai Primary School include:

  • Indigenous Wellbeing programs and support by an Aboriginal Mental Health Worker from Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • The implementation of “Keeping it Chill” – a program facilitated by Centacare that teaches social skills, conflict resolution and emotional skills.
  • Implementation of “Berry Street Education Model”; a whole-school approach to pedagogy and behavioural management which provides a way to teach the content of any subject area while addressing the social and emotional learning needs of the students in the process.
  • Individual support around emotional regulation, early intervention into mental health distress, in-class support during difficult periods and social and emotional support and planning
  • Group work including strengths-based practices, celebrating character strengths and psychoeducation around wellbeing and social and emotional health
  • The ongoing establishment of a ‘Sedan, Cambrai & Surrounds Community Hub’ to address community wellbeing and connection
  • Referrals to relevant services and support to families to engage with mental health, medical and other organisations.

If you would like to chat to the wellbeing team please contact our office to get in touch with the Principal and/or Wellbeing Team by emailing Mel.Jackman865@schools.sa.edu.au